DayFR Euro

significant rainfall accumulations in Haute-Corse, placed on orange alert

The Haute-Corse department has been placed on storm alert by Météo- for thunderstorms and rain-flooding. During the night, significant accumulations of precipitation were recorded.

Haute-Corse is still on orange alert for storms and rain-flooding this Wednesday, September 18. “The north of the island is particularly affected with fairly significant accumulations,” writes Météo-France.

This rainy-stormy deterioration hit Corsica on Tuesday evening and the showers continue during the day. According to Météo-France forecasts, a lull is expected only in the evening.

The episode continues this Wednesday

The meteorological institute recorded cumulative rainfall of between 30 and 60 mm in the most affected areas, and up to 100 to 130 mm more punctually (120 mm recorded in Oletta), around Castagniccia and the eastern plain.

For Wednesday, stormy and locally heavy rains will remain present until at least the evening, “interspersed however with periods of more or less lasting calm”.

“During the most severe storms, we sometimes expect sustained rainfall intensities, generally close to 20 to 30mm, or even 40mm, per hour,” specifies Météo-France, which indicates that “hail is also not excluded.” Locally and punctually, up to 150mm, or even a little more, are expected.


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