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Saint-Maurice-sur- – Claudine Guerrier came to sign her latest novel

On Saturday, September 13, 2024, the town hall of Saint-Maurice-sur- welcomed an adopted Fremis, writer and teacher-researcher, who came to present and sign some of her works, including her latest novel “Monsieur de Talleyrand”, published by Éditions Vérone.

Claudine Guerrier, a small woman with a soft voice, has been a fan of our village since her early childhood. The holidays spent in Saint-Maurice with her mother later led her to have a chalet built there where this Parisian by necessity regularly returns to recharge her batteries, particularly by hiking.

Her prestigious career as a teacher-researcher in political science and law has given her the opportunity to publish numerous articles for the academic world, as well as high-quality essays including “Covid-19, between legal questions and geopolitical constraints” (ISTE Editions).

Her passion for dance led her to meet one of the greatest French dancers of the 70s: Michaël Denard, whose biography she traced (Michaël Denard, the performer and the creation, Ed. Le monde de la danse).

Finally, his taste for writing is at the origin of one of his last novels, whose misleading title does not relate to the illustrious politician: Monsieur de Talleyrand is a dog, a link between the different characters in the story.

For the end of this year, Claudine Guerrier will offer us her latest opus “Le miroir du Frac” Éd. L’Harmattan, a large part of the plot of which takes place in Saint-Maurice and the surrounding area. Although not autobiographical, this romantic work transcribes, through its main character, many of the impressions and emotions felt by the author during her wanderings in the Vosges.

This morning of dedication was therefore an opportunity for the Fremis to discover a hidden talent of which our village can be proud!

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