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We explain how the distribution of iodine tablets is organized around the Golfech nuclear power plant

the essential
A new stable iodine tablet distribution campaign began this Monday, September 16, 2024 in Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot-et-Garonne and Gers, the three departments concerned by the special intervention plan (PPI) of the Golfech nuclear power plant. It initially concerns populations living within a radius of 0 to 10 km around the power plant. In 2026, a new iodine distribution campaign is planned for people living within a radius of between 10 and 20 km from Golfech.

If you live less than 10 kilometres as the crow flies from the Golfech nuclear power plant (Tarn-et-Garonne), it’s time to open your medicine cabinet, collect the boxes of potassium iodide tablets that were distributed to you in 2016 and take them back to your pharmacy.

Indeed, the public authorities and EDF launched, on September 16, 2024, a new national campaign for the distribution of stable iodine tablets for the zone from 0 to 10 km around nuclear power plants. In our region, only one site is concerned: Golfech.

Who is concerned?

The aim of this campaign is to replace iodine tablets whose expiry date has been reached since the last distribution in 2016, within the 0 to 10 km perimeter, and more broadly to provide for all people living or working within the perimeter of the special intervention plan (PPI) of 20 km around the power plant, who have not collected their tablets during previous campaigns or whose tablets have expired.

As for Golfech, the scope of the PPI, expanded in 2019, now concerns 150,000 inhabitants residing in Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot-et-Garonne and Gers (1).

How to remove iodine tablets?

For individuals, the provision of tablets is free of charge in partner pharmacies, without any justification, while for establishments receiving the public (ERP), a withdrawal voucher is sent to them by the public authorities. Note that the allocations given are calculated on the basis of the composition of the household and the public received for ERP.

Should we bring back boxes from previous campaigns?

Yes. People who already have expired tablets that were distributed in 2016 or earlier must return the boxes to avoid the risk of error if taken, and so that they can be destroyed in the appropriate disposal channels.

(1) The iodine distribution campaign is implemented by the prefects of the three departments, that of Tarn-et-Garonne being the coordinator of the PPI, with the assistance of the regional health agencies of and , the territorial division of the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), the EDF Golfech power station, the mayors and presidents of EPCI and the local information commission of Golfech.

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