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This caterer in Seine-Saint-Denis forced to close urgently



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Sep 18, 2024 at 6:32 AM

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Following the health inspection carried out in the Abidjan – Paris restaurant in Neuilly-sur- on September 10, 2024, inspectors from the departmental directorate for the protection of populations of Seine-Saint-Denis also went to examine the premises of the Rani Events caterer in Neuilly-Plaisance. The result was the same: emergency closure due to “serious breaches of hygiene rules”.

Also read: Discount brand Normal opens a store in this small town in Seine-Saint-Denis

Mice and cockroaches

The first thing the inspectors noticed was the absence of a declaration of activity. In detail, they also noted the presence of mouse droppings and cockroaches, the lack of vegetable decontamination procedures or training in good hygiene practices. Maintenance, the cleaning and the maintenance of premises and equipment were deemed insufficient.

From this report and the “serious public health risk” that its opening would cause, the prefecture of Seine-Saint-Denis decided to urgently close the establishment.

It will only be able to reopen once the compliance work carried out and validated by the State.

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