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Before the 20% increase in its population, this city in Seine-et- is reviewing the reception of toddlers


Julia Gualtieri

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 6:50 p.m.

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1.1 million euros. This is a nice check that the vice-president of the Île-de- region responsible for housing and sustainable regional planning, Jean-Philippe Dugoin-Clément, came to present to the mayor of Collégien (Seine-et-Marne), Marc Pinoteau, on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. With this envelope, the municipality wants to create an educational center to anticipate the increase in its population.

700 new residents by the end of 2025

The town is indeed expanding. With the construction in progress, the town was expected to grow by 700 inhabitants by the end of 2025. That is “20% of its population,” the mayor emphasizes. A housing imperative that is not entirely chosen by cities and imposed by the state and therefore, the Region. Isn’t the subsidy just a fair return?

The mayor, Marc Pinoteau, defends:

Housing is necessary, so we have chosen to turn this constraint into an opportunity by choosing programs that are virtuous both environmentally and socially by integrating BRS and an intergenerational house.

Marc Pinoteau, Mayor of Collégien

“Four years ago, we carried out an audit to anticipate new housing and it emerged that the municipality was failing in welcoming very young children,” continues the mayor.

A center for children and teenagers

Today, in Collégien, the nursery is located in part of the Saules school. As for the leisure center, it is located in a wing of the farm which also houses the town hall. The objective is to bring the two spaces together and to also include a space for youth activities, on land located behind the school.

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The whole will form a educational centerwhich the municipality has been thinking about for four years. “We are opposite the gymnasium, the center will be able to benefit from the courtyard of the Saules school since it is located just behind. It is more coherent, more practical for families and children, but also for our teams,” explains Marc Pinoteau.

Thanks to this new location, the planned surface area of 1,400 m2the nursery will be bigger with ten additional placesbringing the total to 36 cradles.

The pole, in all, will be able to accommodate 250 children and 32 adults simultaneously.

A 3.5 million euro project

Seeking to answer the “double challenge” of ecology and developmentthe educational center, the construction of which has already started, will be made of natural materials such as wood, straw and local raw earth, on a wooden frame. Insulation, optimized waste management, solar panels, its design is intended to be eco-friendly. Even the educational project of the place aims to make young people contribute to environmental projects such as the census of biodiversity in the city.

This is also why the project received an envelope of €100,000 from the Region as an “environmental bonus” in addition to the €800,000 given for its construction. Added to the €150,000 obtained from the Department and the €205,000 from the State under the Solidarity and Local Investment Grant, the municipality thus financed more than €1.2 million of this project at €3.5 million excluding tax.

A parking lot and an urban forest

What will the remaining €200,000 of the Region’s check be used for? They must finance the development of the eastern entrance to the city“Our goal is to create a pedestrian route and develop soft links to make traffic on rue Michel-Chartier safer,” explains the mayor.

A 50-space parking lot with four spaces for electric vehicles, made of draining paving stones to limit the environmental impact is also planned.

Parking will be limited in time because we are close to the RER, explains Marc Pinoteau. People park at our place to take the bus.

Marc Pinoteau, Mayor of Collégien

This new car park could also be useful for the future health centre which will take the place of the leisure centre.

Finally, an urban forest that will see the planting of around fifty trees must adorn the entrance to the city with benches and spaces designed for conviviality. A whole program that has a name: the “Heart of the Village” project.

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