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Disappearance of Lina in Bas-Rhin: this speech that reshuffles the cards, expected revelations?

This Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 11 a.m., the public prosecutor will hold a press conference, almost a year after Lina’s disappearance, as revealed by our colleagues at
The Voice of the North.

The 15-year-old girl disappeared on September 23, 2023 after leaving her home in Bas-Rhin to go to Saint-Blaise-la-Roche train station.

Lina’s disappearance: the teenager has been missing for almost a year

September 23, 2023,
Lina15, left her home to go to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche train station on foot. The teenager was supposed to take a train to join her boyfriend Tao in Strasbourg. The young girl never got on the TER and
disappeared on this 2.9km route. For a year, major investigations have been carried out and this summer, the case took a new turn.

On July 26, 2024, the prosecutor reveals that investigators found Lina’s DNA in a stolen car in Germany and impounded in in January. The search will lead the authorities to Samuel Gonina 43-year-old man whose vehicle was seized after he refused to comply.

Back in the Lina disappearance case?

Recently, the Latest news from Alsace revealed that investigators had found the handbag
of the teenage girl in this car. TheDNA Lina’s was also on the right rear belt, enough to revive the trail of the abduction and the potential presence of a passenger before. Thanks to geolocation, investigators were able to determine that
Samuel Gonin
was in the Plaine area the day young Lina disappeared.

But on July 10, the number one suspect in Lina’s disappearance suicide at his home. He was due to appear in court for violent robberies committed in August 2023. The forty-year-old wrote a letter to his loved ones: “I lost my honor, my dignity, my humanity, I have to go. I don’t know how to control myself, it’s going too fast“. On September 19, the Strasbourg public prosecutor is due to speak about the Lina case and perhaps reveal new information.


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