DayFR Euro

The metropolitan area launches the 1st edition of the MIAM Festival

Organized from October 12 to 27, the Miam Festival event will be entirely dedicated to raising awareness among residents of the metropolitan area about the challenges of sustainable food while promoting good practices and local initiatives.

Between taste events, farm visits, meetings with farmers and producers, cooking workshops or even film screenings and film debates, 150 events will be held throughout the metropolis, during 15 days of gourmet festival. A program directly imagined by farmers, producers and institutional actors, in order to raise awareness among young and old about what is hidden behind their plates.

Supported by a committee of committed partners, such as the Chamber of Agriculture and the ISARA school, the festival will present four highlights. The Miam festival will kick off on October 11, 12 and 13, during the Lyon Braderie Festival, Place de la République in Lyon.

On October 16, at 6:30 p.m., the National Film Festival “Alimenterre” will take up residence at the Hôtel de Métropole. On October 19, a participatory event will be organized as part of the Bouillon de Cultures festival organized at the Faitout in La Mulatière.

Finally, a “parent-child” cooking workshop will be offered at the Cité internationale de gastronomie on October 24 starting at 3 p.m. Sonia Bichet, best worker in in fish and seafood, will lead it.

An event to support farmers and producers

With organic production and consumption having stagnated for two years now, the event aims to give residents the desire to consume “organic” again.

The “MIAM Festival” thus aims to promote the various initiatives carried out in the region, in favor of agriculture oriented around short circuits, organic, local and seasonal supplies.


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