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Saint-Denis de la Réunion: diocesan appointments

Here are the appointments from the diocese of Saint-Denis de la Réunion:

Dear confreres, dear deacons, dear brothers, dear sisters,


The preparation of the nominations is a long process that has finally come to an end. The drafting of the canonical forms was essential in order to make them valid. It constituted the last step in this process, before their general distribution. The colleagues concerned will thus receive an individual decree of nomination. Thank you for your advice, your discussions and for your collaboration!
Except in special cases, they come into force from Saturday, August 31, 2024. The appointments of parish priests are made for a period of five years according to the rule of the CEDOI (cf. can. 538 §1). For religious, the agreement of the Provincial or Superior has been obtained.

Father David AHOdiocesan: vicar at the parish of Saint Benoît in Saint-Benoît for one year.
Father Wenceslas Bienvenu Patrice ALEMANANACarmelite: priest of the parish of Sainte Thérèse in .
Father Jeannick ANDRIANIRINACarmelite: administrator of the parish of Saint Vincent de Paul in Entre-Deux.
Father Bernard ANTAYAdiocesan: priest of the parish of Notre Dame du Bon Secours in Quartier-Français.
Father Germain BEFANIVANARedemptorist: priest of the Saint André parish in Saint-André.
Father Charles Antoine DURANDfidei donum: vicar at the parish of in Sainte-Anne where he resides.
Father John Moses EXANTUSSpiritan: vicar at the parish of La Conversion de Saint Paul in Saint-Paul.
Father Jean Baptiste DIOUFSpiritan: vicar at the parish of La Conversion de Saint Paul in Saint-Paul.
Father Daniel GAVARD : retired to the parish of Notre Dame de l’Assomption in Sainte-Marie where he offers his services.
Father Christ the King KOTAINGOSpiritan: vicar at the parish of Saint François Xavier in Rivière-des-Pluies, .
Father Philippe LAURETdiocesan: retired to the parish of Saint Pierre – Saint Paul in Saint-Pierre where he offers his services.
Father Alexandre LAW-WANdiocesan: vicar at the parish of Our Lady of Deliverance in
Father Clotaire MANAGNERASpiritan: priest of the parish of Saint Gilles in Saint Gilles-les Hauts.
Father Anno MASSAWESpiritan: priest of the parish of La Sainte Famille in Bellemène, Saint-Paul.
Father Jean Fidélice MAROLAHYMissionary of the Holy Family: priest of the parish of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus in Plaine-des-Cafres.
Father Joachim NINNOEKULUSpiritan: vicar at the parish of Saint Gilles in Saint Gilles-les-Hauts and referent of the parish of Saint Pie X in Tan Rouge.
Father Louis PAYETdiocesan: priest of the parish of Notre Dame de la Visitation in -de-Nèfles in Saint-Paul.
Father Sebastien PAYETdiocesan: priest of the parish of Our Lady of Deliverance in Saint-Denis.
Father André Paulo MANUELSpiritan: administrator of the parish of Notre Dame de la Trinité in Saint-Denis and priest of the parish of Ouvrier in Saint-Denis.
Father Mario PINTOSpiritan: administrator of the parish of Saint Jacques in Saint-Denis.
Father Jean Mazotoa PODGORNIAK JANMissionary of the Holy Family: administrator of the parish of Sainte Agathe in Plaine des Palmistes.
Father Jean Clovis RAFIDISONRedemptorist: priest of the parish in Sainte-Suzanne.
Father Pierre RALAIVAOSpiritan: vicar at the parish of Saint François Xavier in Rivière-des-Pluies in Sainte Marie.
Father Etienne Paul RAMAHAVONJYSpiritan: vicar at the parish of Notre Dame de la Trinité in Saint-Denis.
Father Mario RAMANANIAINARedemptorist: vicar at the parish of Saint Benoît in Saint-Benoît.
Father Jean Louis Jules RANAIVOZANDRYsalettin: vicar at the parish of Saint Pierre – Saint Paul in Saint-Pierre.
Father Vincent de Paul RANDRIAKOTOMANANJANAHARYCarmelite: priest of the parish of Our
Lady of the Rosary at the Saint-Louis River.
Father Germain Elie RANDRIAMANANTENAsalettin: vicar at the parish of ND de la Salette in Saint-Leu.
Father Alphonse Ligori RANDRIAMANHEFARedemptorist: vicar at the parish of Saint André in Saint-André.
Father Zézé RATIANARIVOCarmelite: vicar at the parish in Saint-Louis.
Father Jean-Raymond WILL SMILEdiocesan: priest of the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Bois-de-Nèfles Sainte-Clotilde.
Father Stanislaw SWIERKfidei donum: priest of the parish of Saint Pierre – Saint Paul in Saint-Pierre.
Father Antoine WAWRZECZKOMissionary of the Holy Family: priest of the parish of de Lima in Sainte-Rose.

The parish of the Sacred Heart in Colimaçons will be served by the Salettine fathers of the parish of Notre Dame de la Salette in Saint-Leu. Father Bonavantur RAFANOMEZANTSOA was appointed administrator, while remaining parish priest of the ND de la Salette parish in Saint-Leu.



Saint-Denis West: Father Firmin LASWAYSpiritan
Saint-Denis East: Father Bernardin KAMWANGA EMPELChemin Neuf community
Saint Andrew: Father Clovis RAFIDISONRedemptorist
Saint Benedict: Father Andrzej SERWACZAKoblate of Mary Immaculate
Saint Joseph: Father Jean-Noël RAKOTONDRAZAFYfidei donum
Saint Peter: Father Philippe MASCAREL, community of beatitudes
The Stamp: Father Waldemar ZUKOWSKIoblate of Mary Immaculate
Saint-Louis: Father Vincent de Paul RANDRIAKOTOMANANJANAHARYcarmelite
Saint-Leu: Father Good luck RAFANOMEZANTSOAsalettin
Saint Paul: Father Patrice ALEMANANAcarmelite
Saint Gilles les Hauts: Father Clotaire MANAGNERASpiritan
Mafate: Father Stephane NICAISEJesuit

Services and movements

Father David AHOdiocesan is maintained in his role as coordinator of the diocesan youth ministry commission.
Father Charles Antoine DURANDfidei donum: member of the diocesan commission for youth ministry.
Father Fabrice ELLAMAdiocesan: diocesan delegate for seminarians. By decree no. 01/2023-N, Father Fabrice ELLAMA was appointed vicar general of the diocese.
Father Laurent JULIENNEdiocesan: welcomed by Mgr Philippe NAULT in the diocese of for one year ad experimentum.
Father Alexandre LAW-WANdiocesan: facilitator of the Church 2.0 movement; member of the diocesan youth ministry.
Father Laurent MAUNIERdiocesan: chaplain of the Christian movement of retirees.
Father Jean-Yves PAYETdiocesan: seconded for the theological and spiritual training of the clergy, laity and movements linked to SEDIFOP; lecturer at the Catholic University in Saint-Denis; member of the regional ethical reflection space of the Indian Ocean (Réunion-Mayotte); in residence at Ravine Blanche, Saint-Pierre, he offers his services to the parish according to his availability.
Father Sebastien PAYETdiocesan: member of the theology and pastoral commission as well as of the interdiocesan tribunal of CEDOI.
Father Etienne Paul RAMAHAVONJYSpiritan: chaplain at the CHU- in Bellepierre.
Father Armand RASOLOARISOAsalettin: chaplain at the CHU – Sud in Terre-Sainte.
Brother Manuel RIVERODominican: religious assistant of the Apostolic Fraternity of Jesus
Father Stanislaw SWIERKfidei donum: chaplain of the Kerygma and Life movement.


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