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Landes. Sophie Binet in Mimizan, 10 years after the rescue of the Gascogne factory


Sebastian Comet

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 10:55 AM

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There CGT is organizing a day on Friday, September 27, 2024 in Mimizan that will highlight the struggle of the years 2012-2014 that allowed the factory Gascony Paper to be saved thanks in particular to the mobilization of unions, economic partners, politicians and public authorities.

Debate on union struggles

Sophie Binetgeneral secretary of the CGT, is the guest of this day, since she will participate in a debate at the cinema Parnassus at 10 a.m. entitled “union struggles in companies”. We also note the presence of Laurent Brungeneral secretary of the CGT Railway Workers Federation.

Several other events will take place, including the screening of the documentary “Living and working in Gascony” and several round tables with the subject of “Industry in relation to the environment”.

Sophie Binet in Arjuzanx the next day?

According to our information, the trade unionist is also expected on Saturday, September 28 in Arjuzanx. She should be among the personalities who will inaugurate a sculpture in tribute to the victims of asbestos on the former EDF power plant site. As a reminder, 133 victims, 42 of whom have died today, were recognized by Social Security as having an “asbestos occupational disease.”

This sculpture made from Cofalit, an asbestos residue made inert, “will serve to show that Human beings are capable of transforming into a harmless product this deadly poison which has claimed and continues to claim victims. “unfortunately for a long time to come” explains the Landes departmental union of the CGT.

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