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board a historic train to connect to the capital of champagne


Hugo Hancewicz

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 7:52 AM

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Come aboard the “Train des Bulles” for a unique trip. On Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., an exceptional train will leave Gare de l’Est (10th) for (). This expedition, around the champagne themeis organized by the Amicale des Agents de Paris Saint-Lazare (AAPSL), and invites each passenger to crossing the ages in a unique and retro atmosphere.

Several stops in Champagne

“After having surveyed the West, we put the heading east “, rejoices Guillaume Michel, vice-president of the association withParis news. And for good reason, it is not not the first timethat these train enthusiasts offer this experience. Last July, another journey aboard historic carriages connected Paris to Trouville – Deauville (). “A real success” according to the organization.

This time, the locomotive BB 17016, built in 1965 and saved by the associationsince 2015, will tow four passenger cars from the 60s. Among the 250 places offered for this round trip between Paris and the heart of Champagne, nearly 80 have already found buyersSeveral stops, where passengers can decide to stop and spend the day, will be served: , Château-Thierry and Épernay.

The historic train consists of a 1965 locomotive and four cars from the 1960s. (©Association of Paris Saint Lazare Agents)

Passengers can choose between a service of first class offering breakfast and aperitif, and second class tickets. Fares vary between 40 euros for second class and 70 euros for first. A family pack is also available at 100 euros for two adults and two children in second class. rates are decreasingthe shorter the distance, the more reservations are made online.

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“A journey through time”

“Since 2022, each of our journeys were full rejoices Guillaume Michel, we hope that this time it will be the case again.” Founded in 2015, the association backup and maintenancerailway equipment, in order to bring it back to life on the rails during sharing days. “It’s a journey out of time without wifi and without electrical outlets,” smiles the vice-president.

Arrival at Reims terminus is scheduled shortly before 12 noon. Passengers will be able to enjoy a long afternoon to visit the majestic cathedralGothic Notre-Dame or to stroll through the city’s streets and enjoy a glass of champagne. For the return to the capital, departure will be from 6 p.m.for an arrival scheduled for 8:30 p.m.

Practical information
Departure: Gare de l’Est (10th)
Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.
Prices: 40 euros/person in second class; 70 euros/person in first class. 100 euros for a family pack (2 adults + 2 children) in second class.

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