DayFR Euro

editions in Landes and Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Entertainment and conferences will be offered throughout the evening in Mont-de-Marsan. Credits: European Researchers’ Night

On September 27, the University of and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), in partnership with the Lacq Odyssée/Science Odyssée center, is organizing the European Researchers’ Night for the first time in the Landes. The event will take place on the Mont-de-Marsan campus and will be an opportunity to meet researchers but also to discover their work in different scientific fields. Other editions are planned for the same day, in Béarn and the Basque Country.

On September 27, three editions were announced in three cities in Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Pau, Hendaye and Mont-de-Marsan. Three locations for a common event: the European Researchers’ Night Created by the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), in partnership with the Lacq Odyssée/Science Odyssée center, this evening will allow participants to visit the UPPA research laboratories, but also to attend demonstrations on various themes, such as the development of telepresence robots for hospitalized children or the use of Landes pine in the production of biofuels and for medical purposes.

What future for wood and foie gras production?

On the program, in the Landes, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., interactive workshops and discussions with researchers will be offered. Several conferences will take place in the large amphitheater of the IUT, with at 6:30 p.m.: “My student is a robot”, with Laurent Gallon (LIUPPA), on the use of telepresence robots. This conference will be followed by a second, at 7:30 p.m.: “The intestinal microbiota”, by Karine Ricaud (UMR NuMeA), on the role of the microbiota in our digestive system. Then, at 8:30 p.m., the theme addressed will be the following: “Wood as a material of the future”, presented by Bertrand Charrier (IPREM), who will address the innovative uses of wood, particularly in the fields of medicine and biofuels. Finally, the last conference will be held at 9:30 p.m.: “Production of foie gras: is it possible to do without force-feeding? », by Marianne Houssier (UMR NuMeA), who will explore alternatives to force-feeding.

Several activities will also be offered throughout the evening. The NuMéA and AVIPOLE laboratories will present the “egg candling” technique, which allows determining whether an egg is fertilized. For its part, IPREM will offer a microscope observation of the effects of termites, weevils and ants on wood.

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