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News – Val-de-Travers – Annual radioactivity measurement flights in the Sainte- and Val-de-Travers region

Image by Andreas Glöckner from Pixabay

From 17 to 20 September 2024, radioactivity measurement flights will be carried out in several regions of Switzerland, including Sainte-, Fleurier, Concise, Ecuvillens, Gibloux, and Monthey. These operations, carried out by the Swiss Army’s NBC-DEMUNEX Competence Centre, aim to monitor radioactivity on the ground quickly and over a large area.

A Super Puma helicopter will fly over the affected areas at a height of approximately 90 metres. These flights will take place along parallel corridors to ensure effective coverage. Although noise pollution is expected, the authorities assure that this will be minimised as much as possible.

It is important to note that this operation does not pose any danger to the population. These measures are part of a security and regular monitoring approach.

For more information, residents can visit the official Swiss alert website

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