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Motorsport: in Gers, the Maurin circuit will rhyme with springboard on the weekend of September 28 and 29

the essential
The department’s “off-road” event, combining motocross and quad-cross, is fast approaching. It will be held on the last weekend of September, the 28th and 29th, on the Maurin circuit in Caillavet.

On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September, the Racing-Club du Fezensac (RCF) is offering two days of motocross and quad-cross (1) in Caillavet. With an attractive price of €10 per day or for the weekend (same price!), you can watch the first races from 1:30 p.m. (free entry for children under 12, refreshments, food, etc.).

See you on the weekend of September 28 and 29!

But more than a spectator, you will also be an actor in a story that began in 1972 with the creation of a legendary circuit, the scene of legendary races. At the beginning of the Racing-Club du Fezensac epic, four motocross enthusiasts cleared an improbable terrain that had become unique. Through hard work, discussions with the municipality and solid friendships, “Maurin” thus emerged from the ground.

Writing a new page in the history of the circuit

Today, practitioners and officials work for the sustainability of the RCF and the circuit with developed activities (driving school, motorcycle and quad racing, mixed paddock with boys and girls, training days).

Also read:
Marsolan Night Motocross: Pressure at the Start, Victory at the Finish

This diversity allows the RCF, for drivers and motor sports enthusiasts, to make “Maurin” rhyme with springboard! It’s up to you to take the big leap, the last weekend of September! All to Caillavet!

More information: 06 85 96 91 12. (1) Saturday 28: veterans, “super-veterans”, women. Sunday 29: quads, 125 cc, 65 cc, Club Cup.

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