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Union return for the CGT of Haute-Corse which will demonstrate on October 1st

The start of the school year is also for the unions, who have to deal with a social context, as usual, complicated. This is the case of the CGT of Haute-Corse which announces the color, since it will participate in the national mobilization of October 1st.

At the heart of this mobilization are wages, public services, and the repeal of the pension reform. In Corsica, it is the increasingly severe precariousness that worries the CGT, with 18.4% of Corsicans below the poverty line.

The issue of public services, the Post Office and energy in the lead, as well as that of transport, will also mobilize the CGT in Corsica.

We listen to Charles Casabianca for the CGT of Haute-Corse.


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