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The surprising visit of the Minister of Housing for the economic return of companies in Indre

Guillaume Kasbarian, the resigning Minister Delegate for Housing, accepted the invitation from Medef to attend the Indre economic back-to-school meeting, organized on Monday, September 16, 2024 in the amphitheater of the Naturapolis high school in Châteauroux.

This ministerial visit without a precise itinerary, and without time dedicated to the local press, gave an impression of trial and error. The arrival of the resigning minister initially planned for 6 p.m., was brought forward to 5 p.m. All the guests were therefore seated in the amphitheater when Guillaume Kasbarian arrived, a little after 5:30 p.m.

He received a formal republican welcome when he arrived in the high school car park, where Gil Avérous, mayor of Châteauroux, François Jolivet, MP for Indre, and representatives of the prefecture and the police and gendarmerie forces were waiting for him. But this visit comes in a particular context, as Michel Barnier, appointed prime minister on Thursday 5 September, promises to announce a new government by the end of the week.

It was surely this delicate situation that prompted the prefecture’s communications department to ensure that the press would not ask the minister any questions when he arrived on the scene. Once inside the room, seated in the front row alongside local elected officials and presidents of employers’ unions, the session began, without anyone introducing him.

“As a resigning minister, I can take some liberties”

The job insecurity in which the Minister Delegate finds himself did not seem to trouble the organizers of the event. Gaëtan Boué, general delegate of Medef in Indre, recognizes the delicacy of the situation: ” He is a resigning minister, so we know that there will be no specific or revolutionary announcements made. “However, he emphasizes the positive.” The fact that Indre businesses have the government’s attention for their return to school is a very positive marker for us. “, he assures.

No Q&A

When it was his turn to go up on the small stage, the minister presented himself as a friend and neighbor, having been elected deputy of Eure-et-Loir in the last legislative elections, in June 2024. During his speech, he even slipped in a few light-hearted phrases to emphasize the situation: ” I will take the time to answer your questions at the end; as a resigning minister, I can take some liberties. »

After having made a quick assessment of the “ projects initiated to respond to the deep housing crisis “, Guillaume Kasbarian began to formulate the end of his speech in the future tense, as if he himself was not part of it, at least not within the government. I hope that the pro-business policies we have pursued so far will not be dismantled, and that our projects will be taken up by the future government. ” he said.

After his speech, which was clearly open to discussion, the resigning minister asked if he could be granted time for questions and answers, which the minister agreed to.The event’s peaker, Jules Gorsky, kindly declined, reminding him that a friendly drink would be held at the end of the event. A surprising interaction to conclude an unusual visit.


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