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What to do in (and Île-de-) this week? Sarah Bernhardt, time loop and the “golden voice” of Montmartre

This week, “Un Soir à ” invites you to dive into a time loop between cops and lawyers to determine the real murderer of a crazy case. For fans of Montmartre and its cabaret songs, “La Voix d’Or” takes up the life story of one of the greatest performers of the district. Another atmosphere, another star, Sarah Bernhardt invites you to discover her extraordinary destiny in an unforgettable show.

If her name is known, the life of the actress, much less. The Palais Royal theater presents “The Extraordinary Destiny of Sarah Bernhardt”, a historical epic, in period costumes, dedicated to this Parisian nicknamed “the empress of the theater”. Born in 1844, this woman free in body and mind, will become one of the greatest French tragedians of the 19th century. A crazy epic recreated by Géraldine Martineau.

A murder, a suspect defended by a crooked lawyer and two incorruptible cops to be found at the Théâtre des Béliers Parisiens. “The Loop”, a hellish time loop where the absurd and the comedy of repetition are kings, lives up to its name. A scene is replayed several times in different ways in a cascade of misunderstandings and comical situations. After his first comedy entitled “No Limit”, a public success and nomination for the Molières in 2023, the author and director, Robin Goupil, is back for the best of humor.

Presented at the Théâtre Actuel La Bruyère, the show “La Voix d’Or” tells the true story of Charles Gentès, a post-war singer nicknamed “the golden voice”. A performer who shone in the cabarets of Montmartre and whose story has gradually been forgotten. The play, which alternates between theater, music and sometimes even dance, immerses the spectator in the story of this singer, his couple and his family. A saga that evokes nearly a century of songs and anecdotes, in the heart of Paris, and which was co-written by the artist’s grandson, Thibaud Houdinière.

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