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“A place full of humanity”


Marie Pinabel

Published on

Sep 16, 2024 at 8:21 p.m.

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“Oh great, you came!” central square from Cherbourg (Manche) was animated on Saturday September 14, 2024from 6 p.m. Under the sun, Jacky Blanchard, responsible from the tobacco bar The Magnum – otherwise called “ At Jacky’s » – celebrated THE 30 years of its establishment. Portrait of a Full Man of life, of desire And of energy.

Hundreds of people came to Jacky’s bar-tabac’s birthday. ©Marie PINABEL

Moved, euphoric, stressed

“He knows how to surround himself with the best!” Laur’Asia, Jean-François Foucher, Le Carabot, Le Pily… local restaurateurs proposed during this evening small pastries to devour in one bite.

JACKY was honored by Laur’Asia. ©Marie PINABEL

THE punch, THE white, there beer – and the software – flowed freely. Several hundred people did not want to miss this anniversary: regulars of Thursday lunchtime market, Friday night decompressors, Saturday morning enthusiasts.

With thoughts of people from Australia or even from Ireland,who sent him gifts. There were of course his relatives, “some friends from “, his family.

He is very organizedhe likes things to be square, planned, confided his wife Marie-Noëlle, 57 years old , teacher in Tourlaville as Jacky’s speech approaches. I feel it moved, euphoricAnd stressed. »

“A place that brings people together, full of humanity”

It’s an achievement for me. I couldn’t have hoped for better. There are only people here that I love and with whom I share something.”

In his speech, Jacky exuded authenticity, he who places respect above all else. With unwavering consensus from those watching.

Jacky Blanchard gave a speech where the word “respect” was close to his heart. ©Marie PINABEL

“I often stop in the village tobacco bars . That’s where you see real people. young people like retired “, estimated Caroline,46 years old, came specially from for the occasion, convinced by her friend Cecile, 39-year-old woman from Cherbourg, who introduced her to the place.

She regularly comes to share a glass of Colombelle with “her” Jacky and taste gorgonzola from the cheesemaker. Or simply drink a coffee and remake the world .

“I love this place because there are really all the people, It is a place that brings people together full of humanity.” What she appreciates about the character is “that he is entire, he likes it or he doesn’t. I like his authenticity, her humor. I also like it when he gives me his little weather update. (Laughs). It’s like a good friend that we like to find every week.

Cécile and other regulars at Chez Jacky have made a T-shirt for the bar’s 30th anniversary. ©Marie PINABEL

“I didn’t know anything about the bar!”

Living together is part of Jacky’s values, like of the two flags, Norman and Breton,which sit above the front. A reference to his origins since the barman comes from Allaire (Morbihan) near Redon.

Jacky has indeed followed training in compatibility management before working in Brittany in the administrative in the hospital environment, chambers of agriculture, agricultural, electronic, electrical equipment. Then Cherbourg offered itself to him.

I was thinking about taking something in my own name but I had to find the branch. I didn’t know anything about bars!

Jacky Blanchard

In his wake, at the age of 30, he met Marie-Noëlle, originally from Carneville, on vacation in the mountains . Then he left for Cherbourg, for love.

From their relationship three children were born: a 24 year old girl and 21 year old twin girls. “They are part of my balance.” Under the proud eye of the eldest, Amelie, who has been helping him out for years, he explains that he wants to devote more time to his wife and daughters. Hence the sometimes random hours. According to the weather, the mood, the program of his relatives.

Positivity above all

A man of his time, with a humor to seize and a glance On society, Jacky does not run behind money, nor behind the glory.“A little word, a little hello, that’s enough for me.”

He had difficult periods, with months where he didn’t pay himself anysalary– still today but also the Covid where its regulars participated into give him back his taste for life.The word “customer” sounds unfamiliar to him.

Shortly after 7 p.m., it was time to start a first caterpillar. ©Marie PINABEL

“They are people first and foremost. The most important thing is the relationship,” he insists. After 30 years, Jacky still has it in him. “I love my job, I still want to do it and continue!” And for that,respect.

The party continued until 11:30 p.m. And the star was none other than… Jacky! ©Marie PINABEL

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