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Hunting society ready for season

Saint-Mexant. The general meeting of the Hunting Society. Recently, the Saint-Mexant hunting society held its annual general meeting in the new hunting premises, in the presence of around twenty hunters and owners, to take stock of the past season.

The president, Charles Terriac, made the reports of the financial year balance sheet and the regulation of undesirable species. With the treasurer, Laurent Puyraimond, they stated the financial report which was approved.

Then, they discussed the new regulations and answered the questions that were asked during this debate. This was followed by the sale of membership cards and an update on big and small game.

Saturday August 31, on the occasion of the melon festival, the take-away meal made by the hunters in partnership with Bel Automne was a great success.

The President and the Board warmly commend the work that has been done by licensed trappers, sworn guards and shooters who regulate unwanted species.

Before closing the general meeting, the president wished all hunters a good season “with caution and respect for property”.


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