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Transport, parents of pupils in Saint-Gilles win their case

The president of Nîmes Métropole, recently acquitted in the Senim affair, has provided a response to some of the parents of pupils in Saint-Gilles, users of the Tango network.

Bus line 219 between Saint-Gilles and Nîmes was cancelled at the start of the school year. A decision that several parents of students denounced. Until now, this line took students from Saint-Gilles directly to the Nîmes bus station. Except that now, they take line 42 from Saint-Gilles to Parnasse in Nîmes. Then, they get off the bus and get on the Trambus to the city center. The journey is no longer direct.”deplored Philippe, a parent of a student, to our colleagues at Bleu Lozère. Parents also denounced journeys that were much longer than last year.

Technical work carried out with Kéolis

Additional and corrective measures have been implemented, aimed at returning to transport times corresponding to those previously known for the 150 students of the four main establishments in the south of Nîmes, namely Hemingway, Dhuoda, Mistral and D’Alzon, as well as for other users. Technical work was carried out by the delegate Kéolis in coordination with the services of Nîmes Métropole. The measures that Kéolis will implement on the Tango network from Monday, September 16, 2024 are as follows:

Morning departure, Saint-Gilles towards Nîmes.

  • 8:00 a.m. return: no problem identified, but if not, an additional service will be added.
  • 9:00 a.m. return: the coach doubling was planned to manage the overload. Nîmes Métropole asked Kéolis, that its subcontractor respect the stop at each service which does not seem to be the case and generates overload. In addition, Nîmes Métropole reminded the addition of the necessary reinforcements as soon as a school bus is overloaded.

Return in the evening, Nîmes towards Saint-Gilles.

Most students go towards Hemingway, Mistral and Dhuoda. “For these students, no connection is necessary for the outward or return journey,” indicates the relevant service at Nîmes Métropole. The morning drop-off will take place at the “Europe” stop. The evening return will take place at the stopping point located behind the Hemingway high school. “In fact, it seems that high school students are making a connection with T1 or T4 to take the T219 at Parnasse, when they can take it directly at the location indicated below (Solier stop). This makes the journey easier for high school students and avoids unnecessarily overloading lines T1 and T4,” informs Nîmes Métropole.

From Monday for students attending D’Alzon:

The creation of a new Navette Tempo Talabot – Parnasse service will be launched this Monday, September 16. Students will be able to take the T219 connection at 4:23 p.m. at Parnasse and will not have to transfer to the following services, “which will avoid the saturation observed in previous days.”

As for the 3:50 p.m. departure : the Tempo Express “Talabot – Parnasse” at 16:00 will be accessible at the Talabot stop on the north side, with connections at 16:21 and 16:22 at Parnasse with the Tempo 219. This for an arrival in Saint-Gilles at 16:53 (journey time of 53 minutes, identical to last year). In addition: line 42 at 16:36 is accessible from Parnasse.

Regarding the 4:50 p.m. release : line T4 at Talabot station on the north side at 5:03 p.m. is accessible, with connections at 5:21 p.m. and 5:27 p.m. at Parnasse with the Tempo 219. Arrival at Saint-Gilles is scheduled at 5:53 p.m. and 5:59 p.m. The journey time is then 50 to 56 minutes (identical to last year). In addition: line 42 at 5:40 p.m. is accessible from Parnasse.

Finally, regarding the 5:50 p.m. exitthe T4 line at Talabot station on the north side is accessible at 6:03 p.m., with connections at 6:27 p.m. at Parnasse with the Tempo 219, for an arrival in Saint-Gilles at 6:59 p.m. The journey time is 56 minutes (identical to last year). In addition: line 42 is accessible at 6:40 p.m. from Parnasse.


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