DayFR Euro

the reactor stops again in the middle of startup!


Chrismael Marchand

Published on

Sep 16, 2024 at 10:18 PM

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The last few days had been rather encouraging. at the Flamanville power station (Manche).

At the shutdown, the two reactors in production, units 1 and 2, had been reconnected to the electricity grid since Friday, September 13, 2024 and Saturday, September 14, 2024 respectively.

Meanwhile, the third reactor at the Cotentin site, the EPR, continued its start-up phase.

Despite a hitch just hours after it began to diverge on September 3, 2024, and an automatic shutdown following human error, the 3-phase reactore generation had resumed the course of its start-up process.

On Monday, September 16, 2024, it was again abruptly interrupted by an automatic stop.

The reactor was operating at very low power. The automatic shutdown occurred while tests were underway on a group of control rods to measure neutron flux. Shutdown operations are underway.

EDF, communications department of the Flamanville site
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After characterizing this event “without impact on the safety of the reactor”, the EDF teams will “proceed with the appropriate technical checks and adjustments then resume boot operations “, the electrician explains.

“The encounter of hazards remains probable”

And to insist once again on the “first in series” effect: “The start-up of the EPR is a long and complex process, which puts equipment into service for the first time.”

After this second unscheduled shutdown, EDF prefers to keep a low profile and anticipate other unexpected interruptions.

“The activation of other automatic stops and the encounter of hazards remain probable until the reactor reaches full power“, indicates the communications department.

Let us recall that the next major step of this start-up is expected “for the end of autumn”.

The continuation of the test program should, in fact, allow the reactor to reach a power level of 25%and finally be connected to the national electricity grid for the first time.

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