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Major criminal cases in the

bleu Champagne-Ardenne is interested in major criminal cases that took place in the , some of which had national repercussions.

Maud Woittier is a doctor of private law. She is a lecturer at Sciences-Po . She looks back at some criminal cases that concerned the Marne, such as the trial of the great Jeannettethe review trial of Patrick Dils and the matter of missing from Mourmelon.

The great Jeannette, the last person sentenced to torture

In Prouilly In the Marne, six or seven individuals entered a mill and murdered a miller, his wife and their three young children on the night of August 20-21, 1785. In the entourage of the murdered father, a certain Jeanne had already had run-ins with the law. She was nicknamed thethe great Jeannette. She is in dispute with the murdered miller. She is the ideal culprit.

In December 1785the trial opens in Reims. Joan is tortured and then hanged on February 11, 1786, on what is now Place d’Erlon. The torture of the accused continues in France until 1788. La grande Jeannette will be the last person sentenced to torture by the French justice system. It was in Reims.


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