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Wind gusts in : 80 homes without electricity


Valentine Exantus

Published on

Sep 16, 2024 at 11:33 AM

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Residents of several communes in Vaucluse, in particular Piolenc, Rasteau, Saint-Hippolyte-le-Graveyron And experienced a tense weekend, reveals Bleu Vaucluse.

Strong gusts of wind caused major power outages, depriving around 80 homes of electricity since Saturday afternoon. On the island of Barthelasse, in Avignon, Magalie shares her frustration with our colleagues, after spending nearly 24 hours without electricity. “They told me it would be fixed at 5 p.m., then 11 p.m., then finally this Sunday at 1 p.m. We have been without electricity for almost 24 hours and there is a real lack of communication,” she laments.

Difficult conditions to bear

The consequences of these power cuts are being felt heavily by the affected residents. For Magalie, the difficulties are still trying: no more water in the toilets or in the kitchen, and above all, great worry for the contents of her freezer which has been off for more than 20 hours.

“I live near my 92-year-old mother’s house, and it’s really disturbing for her too. She’s cold because she has no heating, and last night I had to help her with a flashlight.”

Enedis teams intervened on Saturday to restore the network, but repair deadlines were pushed back several times.

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The mistral has not finished hitting

The mistral, with gusts of up to 90 km/h, is expected to continue to blow over the region until Wednesdayaccording to Météo France forecasts.

The authorities are calling for vigilance in the face of these weather conditions, which could cause further inconvenience in the coming days.

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