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Series of burglaries in tobacco shops in -Deux-Sèvres

Tobacco shops in -Deux-Sèvres were the target of a series of burglaries on the night of 15 to 16 September 2024. At least three establishments were the target of intrusions or attempted intrusions. Others may have been targeted.

For example, it appears that two individuals broke into the Le Commerce bar-tabac in Loretz-d’Argenton at around 2:30 a.m. After a few minutes of hesitation, the criminals headed for the storerooms and came out loaded with cartons of cigarettes.

On the same night, the Le Calimero tobacco bar was also reportedly burgled. However, we do not have any details on the facts at this time.

“The thieves were poorly informed”

Finally, it was also the former bar-tabac of Mauléon which was the target of an attempted intrusion. “The iron curtain was forced, but without success. In any case, the thieves were badly informed because the bar-tabac was moved”says Pierre-Yves Marolleau, mayor of Mauléon, ironically.

An investigation is underway to determine whether these burglaries are in fact linked and to find the perpetrators.


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