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“I’m the one who advised him to take a Millionaire”: a man wins a million euros in

“He asked me to check the ticket to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating.” It is with a broad smile that the owner of La Frégate, the small bar-tabac in Rolleboise () tells how one of his regulars won the jackpot at Millionaire. Thanks to the scratch card game, the lucky winner won the trifle of one million euros on Saturday.

That morning, the forty-year-old in question “came to have his coffee, as usual.” And, as is often the case, to try his luck at gambling. “My client wanted to buy several scratch cards, I was the one who advised him to take a Millionaire,” explains Hakan Aydin, the manager. He refused and went back to sit down!”

A few minutes pass before the player changes his mind. He takes a ticket, for 10 euros. At this point, he doesn’t know it yet, but his life is about to change. “At first, he didn’t believe it,” continues the boss, for whom it is the biggest win recorded in Rolleboise. “Then he became overjoyed. I offered him a glass of water to help him come to his senses. He quickly came back down. And he left for work right after.”

“He’s someone who works seven days a week.”

For obvious security reasons, the new millionaire wants to remain discreet. And cautious until he collects his winnings. The person concerned confided to the manager that he does not yet know what to do with this sum. But according to Hakan, the man is single and has no children, so he will probably enjoy his million alone. In any case, it will be a big boost. “He is someone who works seven days a week,” adds Hakan.

The story of Rolleboise is reminiscent of the one from almost a year ago, in Finistère. A man won the jackpot at the Millionaire in October 2023. The tobacconist offered him a second ticket after having torn up the first one by mistake.

The chances of winning this amount at the Millionaire are very slim, 1 in 1.5 million according to the Française des Jeux (FDJ). However, the Yvelines seem to have brought luck to players in recent months. Last August, it was at the PMU that a man won around 180,000 euros, by betting 3 euros at the Quinté + in a bar in . In Montesson, the sum of 1 million euros was also won by a future retiree, a little over a year ago by playing EuroMillions. That was a little over a year ago.


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