Suffering from a serious heart condition, three-year-old Fanohy comes from Madagascar to undergo surgery in Bron
DayFR Euro

Suffering from a serious heart condition, three-year-old Fanohy comes from Madagascar to undergo surgery in Bron

Suffering from a serious heart condition, Fanohy, a Malagasy child, arrived in Lyon on Tuesday, September 10. He is due to undergo surgery on September 17 at the Louis-Pradel hospital in Bron.

“Hello my Loulou, how are you?” Fanohy, 3 and a half years old, was able to join his foster family in Lyon this Tuesday, September 10. A highly anticipated moment for the Bonnin couple who are welcoming this little Malagasy boy, who has a serious heart condition and who must undergo surgery in Bron (Rhône). An operation made possible by the association La Chaîne de l’Espoir.

“I’m a little stressed, every time, it’s the same,” says Murielle Bonnin, while Hervé Bonnin describes himself as “impatient”. After the stress and the wait, it’s time for the meeting. Fanohy arrived in a stroller, in the hall of Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport, after 24 hours of travel.

“We will reassure him”

“What is difficult is the transit because he goes from one night on a plane, from one person to another and in general, he asks for his mother,” explains Isabelle Holin, a volunteer for Aviation Sans Frontières.

For her part, Gina Martinez, head of the Chaîne de l’Espoir association in Lyon, makes sure that Fanohy has everything he needs in his suitcase. “I check if he has a prescription, if he has medication and if we have all the papers,” she explains.

After these last checks, the child is examined. Despite being very tired, Fanohy already seems calm. Medical appointments, accommodation, cuddles… For two months, Hervé and Murielle will be the little boy’s surrogate parents.

“We’re going to go to the appointment, we’re going to reassure him at each stage because every time he goes to see a doctor, he’s going to cry again, that’s for sure, but hey, we’re going to reassure him,” assures Murielle Bonnin.

“We prepared for his arrival, we have a little comforter in the bag. The idea is that he feels good right away with a little thing he can hold on to and that it helps him make the transition calmly,” says Hervé Bonnin.

Fanohy will be operated on Tuesday, September 17. An open-heart operation, performed at the Louis-Pradel hospital in Bron.

Jade Lagnier and Solenne Bertrand


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