Pinned down for its excessive number of political collaborators, the city of Lyon is going to eliminate a group of mission managers
DayFR Euro

Pinned down for its excessive number of political collaborators, the city of Lyon is going to eliminate a group of mission managers

In a report, the regional audit office targets the City of Lyon for its excessive number of thematic mission managers. The town hall reacted and, despite its disagreement, announced that it was eliminating this unit.

The city of Lyon announced in a press release that it was ending the thematic mission manager center on Tuesday, September 10.

This decision had been recommended by the regional audit office which, in a report made public by Le Progrès, criticised the city for its excessive number of political collaborators.

A political profile

In the latter, the institution accuses the Lyon city hall of employing 36 political collaborators, against a legal authorization of 12. These 24 additional agents were grouped together within a pole in 2021, reports the local daily.

These agents have a political profile, underlines the CRC, highlighting the role of an agent formerly in charge of a mission at Europe-Écologie-les-Verts.

“Thematic mission managers are administrative agents […] Their role is to coordinate the action of the city of Lyon in its major public policies and to ensure their follow-up,” the city responds in its press release, adding that these employees are “essential to municipal action.”

Agents will be “redeployed”

Thus, if the city does not “share the legal analysis of the chamber which calls into question the organization of the community”, the deletion was validated to “protect the institution”.

The 24 agents of this pole will be “redeployed and their missions will evolve”, explains the town hall, adding that “the chosen organization will be effective at the beginning of next year”.

Furthermore, apart from the question of political collaborators, the city of Lyon welcomes the fact that the regional audit office has stated in its report, in particular, “contained communication expenditure”.

“The Chamber highlights the quality of external communication, the excellent control of expenditure, as well as the associated sobriety, efficiency and transparency,” assures the municipality.


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