Relatives of the motorcyclist who fatally hit Kamilya in Vallauris “in shock”


In this computer science school in Nice, Matteo’s classmates paint the portrait of a hard-working young man, well-liked by all and passionate about motorbikes.

The shock is great in front of Epitech, a computer science school in Nice. This is where Matteo, the 19-year-old who fatally hit the young Kamilya in Vallauris, studied for two years before changing courses.

While some had lost touch with him this year, his former classmates describe him as a serious, hard-working boy who was well-liked by all. “He’s someone in our group of friends. He’s a great guy, he was very cool. He was really our friend, someone very honest. We really liked him,” one of his former classmates told BFMTV.

“He’s not a boy who took risks”

For many, the incomprehension is great: “He was a comrade who was really kind in the service of others. He was there to help. I am still in shock at the news.”

Above all, Matteo is described by everyone as a young man passionate about motorbikes. “He is not a boy who took risks,” assures one of his best friends, still in contact with him.

“He’s a 19-year-old who started doing rodeos, but I never saw him do a rodeo in front of the school to show off in front of other students. He wasn’t the type to show off like that,” he continues.

“He’s a boy who had a big heart, who didn’t always have easy experiences, but who was always strong. He’s not a thug or a delinquent. He’s just a 19-year-old young man who is studying with his friends,” adds Matteo’s friend.

Indicted and placed under judicial supervision

Matteo’s friend assures him: the future looks complicated for the young man. “He had his whole life ahead of him and now we don’t know how he’s going to get through this, how he’s going to be able to recover.”

“It hurts me a lot to imagine him having ruined his life as he probably ruined the life of a family with this accident,” he adds.

On Saturday, August 31, Matteo was indicted for involuntary injuries and placed under judicial supervision. The prosecution, which had requested that he be placed in pretrial detention, has appealed the decision. This appeal will be examined on September 10 in Aix-en-Provence.

Laura Baqué, Antoine Corver and Arthur Descudet, with Marine Langlois


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