Twitter’s “X” transformed into a swastika: Ai Weiwei creates controversy

Twitter’s “X” transformed into a swastika: Ai Weiwei creates controversy
Twitter’s “X” transformed into a swastika: Ai Weiwei creates controversy

Published on August 02, 2023 at 6:07 p.m. Modified on August 02, 2023 at 9:15 p.m.

It’s a kind of spinning top… explosive. We see the “X,” Twitter’s new logo that’s everywhere these days, swirl around itself, its arms curling up to form a white swastika — before the letter returns to its original shape. This small video animation of a few seconds is signed Ai Weiwei, posted Tuesday evening by the Chinese artist on his Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Not even disguised, the association of the platform with the Nazi symbol was of course quick to react, the posts already amassing tens of thousands of likes and hundreds of comments… rather shared. While some congratulate the visual artist, designer and sculptor for continuing to “shake up” consciences, others denounce an unwelcome association, a lack of respect (“X” neither ghettoized my mother nor killed my loved ones. Can you stop to trivialize this?”) – even the umpteenth victory of the Godwin point.

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