In the United States, the CBS channel is preparing to enrich the Soap-Operas landscape with the launch of “Beyond the Gates”, scheduled for February 24, 2025. This new series marks a historic turning point by being the first day's day focused on an African-American family for 35 years, succeeding “Generations“Broadcast in 1991.
“Beyond the Gates” plunges viewers into the opulent universe of the Dupree family, living in Fairmont Crest, a posh community in the suburbs of Washington DC Le Patriarche, Vernon Dupree, is a former senator, while his wife, Anita, is An ex-singer renowned. Their daughters, Nicole and Dani, bring their share of dynamism and complexity to narration.
The casting brings together recognized talents from the small screen. Tamara Tunie embodies Anita Dupreebringing his rich experience to the role of the matriarch. Karla Mosley, known for her interpretation of Maya before in “Love, Glory and Beauty / Top Models”, takes on the role of Dani Dupreea former model converted into a mother and manager. Daphnée Duplaix lends its features to Nicole Dupreean ambitious philanthropic and psychiatrist.
Behind the camera, the series benefits from the expertise of Michele Val Jean, veterant of Soaps such as “General Hospital” and “Love, Glory and Beauty / Top Models”, which held the functions of chief screenwriter and showrunner. Sheila Ducksworth, president of “CBS Studios' Naacp Venture”, underlines the importance of this production for an authentic representation of black culture on television.
Soap-opera lovers can expect intrigues rich in secrets, betrayals, loves and rivalries, all anchored from a contemporary and authentic perspective of wealthy African-American life. “Beyond the Gates” will be broadcast daily on CBS from February 24, 2025, with episodes available in streaming on Paramount+.
-For French -speaking fans, no information has yet been communicated concerning a possible dissemination in France or in other French -speaking countries. However, the boom in streaming platforms could offer opportunities to discover this promising series.
If the audience is there in the USA, the Beyond The Gates series could one day be broadcast with us!