It's an election that tends to go somewhat under the radar at first glance, but that doesn't mean it's unimportant. The Rural Coordination (CR 47), which has led the Chamber of Agriculture for 24 years, is in the running to maintain its dominant position. The outgoing president, Serge Bousquet-Cassagne, cedes the head of the list to Patrick Franken while remaining involved, appearing in 10th position on the union list. Facing them, the Young Farmers (JA 47) and the Departmental Federation of Agricultural Operators' Unions (FDSEA 47) form an ambitious coalition led by Guillaume Pouliquen and Léo Dezen, and which could redistribute the cards. Two other lists are also jockeying to delight the Chamber: the Movement for the Defense of Family Farmers (Modef 47), represented by Lionel Girardi, and the Confédération Paysanne, led by Marion Debats and Emmanuel Aze, both anchored in an alternative agricultural vision .
At the heart of local issues
Public institutions placed under the supervision of the State, the Chambers of Agriculture play a key role in supporting farmers. Since their creation in 1924, they have supported installation projects, facilitated farm transfers and influenced production choices. Their mission also extends to the ecological transition, in particular through the regulation of practices linked to pesticides and the preservation of natural resources.
These local orientations, although discreet, directly affect consumers. They determine the quality and origin of the products that end up on our plates, while influencing environmental choices at the departmental level. The results of this ballot, expected at the beginning of February, will reveal which vision will prevail in Lot-et-Garonne for the years to come. One thing is certain, these agricultural choices will have repercussions well beyond the fields.
-Divergent union visions
The four competing lists offer very distinct visions for the agricultural future.
- The FNSEA and the JA defend a productivist and competitive model on an international scale. They plead for a reduction in administrative constraints and environmental standards, while denouncing the increase in taxes on agricultural diesel.
- Rural Coordinationthe second largest agricultural union nationally, often adopts radical positions. She campaigns for better remuneration for French farmers and firmly opposes ecological regulations deemed too restrictive.
- The Peasant Confederationin opposition to intensive models, highlights agriculture on a human scale, respectful of the environment and resources. Committed to the fight against megabasins, she advocates rational use of water and local food sovereignty.
- Finally, le Modefalthough less influential, defends family farmers and is part of a solidarity and ecological approach and notably defends the establishment of a minimum income for farmers.