Lucien Bouix, 86 years old, and Yvette (née Boyer), 84 years old, spent their lives on the farm. For sixty years, they have lived in La Chaulière, near Chambon-sur-Lignon. This is where they raised their four children, Jean-Pierre, Michel, Daniel and Hélène. We met them in the living room of the farm where a beautiful Godin stove sits. Yvette likes to talk about her life as a farmer. Lucien often completes his remarks.
“We made the animals dance so that they packed the hay”
How did you start your life as a farmer?
“Oh my! You can arrange the words, I don't know how to explain… I was born in January 1940 in Freycenet (Saint-Agrève, in Ardèche) to farmer parents. I was the third. I stayed there until the wedding. We did everything by hand. When I was very little, I turned hay in the…