If the seasonal flu epidemic is becoming more deadly and continues to grow in certain regions of France, it remains intense, but tends to slow down a little in Paca.
According to the latest bulletin from Public Health France, published Wednesday, activity is still increasing at SOS Médecins but it is decreasing in emergencies. A trend observed in all departments except those of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Hautes-Alpes (increase). The rate of occurrence for influenza or influenza-like illness varies from 4.2% to 9% depending on the territory. Everywhere, the proportion of hospitalization after entering the emergency room is increasing (26.8%), with the exception of Vaucluse (decrease).
All age groups are affected except among children under five years old where the rate of visits to emergency rooms increases further (14.4% vs. 12.2% between the second and first week of January). It remains stronger among those aged 75 and over (68.3% vs 60.4%).
7.3% of deaths throughout France
Santé Publique France notes an increase in the proportion of deaths from influenza and influenza-like illness. Over the week of January 6 to 12, this represented 7.3% of deaths throughout France (or 611). A share never seen since 2020. This even climbs to 12.4% in Burgundy-Franche-Comté, 9.4% in the Grand Est, 9.2% in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (Covid is mentioned in 1.8% of deaths), 7.9% in Hauts-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
-Remember that the flu is a contagious viral infection that affects around 2.5 million French people each year. Arriving early in December, around a hundred hospitals triggered the “white plan”, notably in Aix, Salon, Cavaillon, Avignon, Carpentras.
Despite some tensions in pharmacies in recent days, as in Marseille, there are enough doses left to be vaccinated, reassured the ARS. Vulnerable people (65 years and over, pregnant women, those with chronic illnesses or suffering from obesity) are particularly targeted.