Barely beaten in the Champions League, Dinan-Quévert must continue with the Coupe de France. An opportunity to rotate the squad.
After creating the feat in the first leg (5-4), the Quévertois lost 2-0, Thursday evening, on the Portuguese field of AD Valdagano. But they had a big game and didn't get that far.
“For the moment, we cannot speak of disappointment when we lose by two goals in the Champions League. Considering the match, we certainly deserve better. But we have to let time take its course, the project is moving forward,” confided Cirilo Garcia after the match.
“An additional team”
Having just returned from Portugal, the Quévertois must head towards Brie-Comte-Robert, to play the return match of the round of 16 of the Coupe de France, this Saturday.
Some players are rested, others take over: “Yes, we are going there with an additional team, with players from the N3 team. It won't be the same story, we saw the difference between an N1 and an N3, the level is enormous. We are going to play, this time, on equal terms.”
-Beaten 22-0 in the first leg, will SC Briard be able to reverse the roles?
The Dinan-Quévert group
Callewaert, Brichet (goalkeepers), Olivier gelebart, Yaouen Gelebart, Cirilo Garcia, Gurvan Lemarié, Youenn Sada, Romuald Guillaume. Coach: Cirilo Garcia.