Municipal elections: why a second round is organized in Latronquière

Municipal elections: why a second round is organized in Latronquière
Municipal elections: why a second round is organized in Latronquière

the essential
The Latronquière municipal election will see a 2nd round this Sunday. The reason is simple: the candidates did not collect the necessary votes, namely 25% of registered voters.

Sunday, January 12, Latronquière voters were called to vote in a municipal by-election. This involved electing 5 new councilors to complete the municipal assembly. The electoral law for municipalities with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants stipulates that to be elected in the first round, candidates must obtain an absolute majority of the votes cast and at least 25% of registered voters. Latronquière has 328 registered, so it was necessary to collect at least 82 votes to be elected in the first round. No candidate having obtained this number of votes (the maximum votes collected is 70) there will therefore be a second round on January 19, 2025.

As a reminder, here are the results of the first round: Martine Courbes 65 votes, Dominique Defossez 67 votes, Nicolas Force 70 votes, Françoise Hichard 67 votes, Patrice Valière 70 votes. 11 blank ballots were counted and 27 invalid ballots.

Why such a situation?

It is the conjunction of two factors: first a fairly low participation of 33.50% and then the number of invalid and blank ballots, 38 in total, which determined the result; in fact 120 voters came to vote, but only 82 votes were cast (120 – 38 = 82), which made an election in the first round almost impossible.
So much abstention, a message that questions. The rules governing the election in the second round being different, we can already estimate that participation will be lower since the candidates will be elected regardless of the number of votes obtained (relative majority without minimum percentage in relation to the numbers of 'registered).
The municipal council manages the affairs of the municipality. However, beyond current affairs, it must also make investment decisions and financial commitments which could have a significant impact on the future of the community and its inhabitants. Certain strategic issues such as the future of schools, the development of local commerce, tax policy, the provision of public services and even the ecological orientations of the municipality often require support from the population.



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