The Metropolis of Lyon. (Photo by Matthieu Delaty / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP)
During a final session, the month of January will close the Metropolitan Climate Convention initiated in September 2024 by the Metropolis of Lyon.
Started in September 2024, the Metropolitan Climate Convention aims to answer the major questions linked to global warming and our adaptation to it. The month of January 2025 will mark the culmination of this unprecedented citizen project, during a final session scheduled for January 17 and 18. Two decisive days, in order to formalize the collective reflections, in the form of an argued citizen opinion, by identifying the main ideas and debates which crossed the Convention. The official submission of the citizen opinion to the President of the Metropolis will take place on January 18 at the end of the afternoon.
-In total, five field visits will have been carried out, 24 local stakeholders, fifteen representatives of communities and institutions and eleven experts who will have been interviewed by the members. We just have to wait until February to discover the recommendations selected and presented by the Métropole de Lyon.
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