The wooden planks he was carrying were still frosty on the surface. This is what caused the accident which occurred early Tuesday evening, on the D 902, at the intersection with the Freycenet road, in a sharp bend. The driver had just loaded his trailer with wood at a company in the area very close to Nolhac. The wooden planks, partly frozen and loaded at height, slid like ice cubes in this bend before the place called La Chazotte. Unbalanced, the trailer dragged the road assembly onto the left part of the road, which ultimately ended up in the ditch.
Fortunately, no vehicle was approaching and the driver escaped with a good scare.
Another transport company was called upon to transfer the wood and therefore empty the trailer of its load, before lifting the road assembly.
During this operation, an alternating traffic pattern was put in place to secure handling operations.
Traffic was minimally impacted at this time. In addition to the alternating traffic pattern, signs indicating a slowdown and calling for extreme caution had been put in place.
Cedric Dedieu