Since January 1, 2025, the Crit'Air sticker has been compulsory to travel in the towns of Annemasse and Annecy.
It is a national obligation linked to the Climate and Resilience law of 2021 which aims to massively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This requires large cities and towns with more than 150,000 inhabitants to establish a Low Emission Mobility Zone (ZFE-m) or ZFE. Since January 1, 2025, the towns of Annemasse and Annecy have had one. It is compulsory for each vehicle circulating there to have a Crit'Air sticker, because traffic restrictions have been introduced to limit air pollution in these sectors.
How is the implementation of this new measure going since the start of the 2025 school year? Pauline Plagnat-Cantoreggi, vice-president of Annemasse Agglo in charge of energy transition and mobility strategy, discusses the first feedback from residents. And there are already many of them.
ITC Pauline Plagnat-Cantoreggi PIF-ZFE Annecy Annemasse January 2025
Meanwhile, the Greater Annecy Agglomeration is also facing feedback from residents, with an envelope dedicated to this subject as President Frédérique Lardet reminds us.
ITC Frédérique Lardet PAF-ZFE Annecy Annemasse January 2025
Ultimately, any vehicle not classified with a Crit'Air sticker will be prohibited from driving within the perimeter of the ZFE-m. Regulations which will gradually evolve as explained by the president of the Greater Annecy agglomeration Frédérique Lardet.
ITC Frédérique Lardet 2-ZFE Annecy (30's)
-For the Annemasse conurbation, the ZFE-m application schedule is modeled on that of the Annecy conurbation. The perimeter was established according to the most polluted areas, that is to say where the population is densest, as explained by Pauline Plagnat-Cantoreggi, vice-president of Annemasse Agglo.
ITC Pauline Plagnat-Cantoreggi 3-ZFE Annecy Annemasse January
Whether it is Annecy or Annemasse, for the moment education remains the watchword before the deployment of fines for motorists who do not have their Crit'Air sticker. In addition, all communities must put the signage in effect with the corresponding signs, which are currently out of stock.
To order your Crit'Air sticker, go to the dedicated website.
Cross-border vignettes for Switzerland
Pact'Air cooperation has enabled the establishment of a cross-border agreement valid in the Greater Geneva area. Thus, French Crit'Air vignettes are accepted to circulate among Swiss neighbors, even at times of pollution peaks, and the opposite is also true for the Swiss who have a Stick'AIR vignette and can circulate in the area. from French Geneva. A local specificity which does not apply to the entire national territory, as in the Grenoble ZFE for example.
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