Saccording to INSEE, the employment rate, which measures the ratio between the number of individuals in employment and the total number of individuals, rose in France to 68.4% among 15-64 year olds in 2023, up 0.2 points compared to 2022 and at its highest level since 1975. Despite this increase, the employment rate in France remains below the average of 70.4% observed in the European Union (EU), where it varies from 61.5% in Italy to 82.4% in the Netherlands.
Across the EU, the employment rate of men (75.1%) was 9.4 points higher than that of women (65.7%) in 2023, a gap greater than 5 points observed in France (66% for women, 71% for men). For its part, the employment rate of young people aged 15 to 24 increased by 0.4 points in the EU in 2023 to stand on average at 35.2%, with strong disparities between countries.
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The youth employment rate is less than 20% in Greece, Romania and Bulgaria, while it exceeds 50% in Germany, Austria, Denmark and even 75% in the Netherlands. “The differences between countries reflect differences in duration of schooling, combination of employment and studies (including apprenticeship), but also more or less marked difficulties in integrating young people into the labor market,” comments INSEE. In France, the youth employment rate (35.2%) has increased significantly in recent years and is now at the same level as the European average.
ALSO READ Why do we need to increase the employment rate of seniors? Finally, the employment rate of seniors aged 55 to 64 stood on average at 63.9% in the European Union in 2023, up 20.7 points since 2009 (18.2 points in France). The highest levels are observed in Sweden (78%), the Netherlands (75%), Germany (74.6%) and Denmark (74.2%) and the lowest in Romania (51%). ) and in Greece (54.1%). France is below the European average, with an employment rate for seniors of 58.4% in 2023.