“All salaries are not in the same boat”: a union denounces blatant inequalities in Belgium

“All salaries are not in the same boat”: a union denounces blatant inequalities in Belgium
“All salaries are not in the same boat”: a union denounces blatant inequalities in Belgium
More transparency to combat pay gaps: this European directive that wants to change things

Still according to CNE calculations, a CEO of a Bel 20 company earns 54 times the median salary. “The gap is even more glaring with the minimum wage. In 2023, the minimum wage (guaranteed average monthly minimum income) is 1,954.99 euros. A CEO of the Bel 20 earns almost 120 times the minimum wage. He won as much as a minimum wage worker after less than 2.2 days of work”, criticizes the Christian union.

“All salaries are not in the same boat”

The CNE also looked at the evolution of salaries. “Between 2014 and 2023, the median compensation of CEOs in the BEL 20 increased by 74.6% while the median salary only increased by 25.6% and the minimum salary by 30.2% (including inflation figures) “This shows very clearly that not all salaries are in the same boat”, for the CNE. “While salary increases for most workers are blocked by the wage freeze law (1996 Competitiveness Act), the salaries of BEL 20 CEOs have soared in recent years.”

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Taking offense at the projects on the table of Arizona negotiators aimed at limiting wage indexation, the Christian union persists: “to reduce inequalities and increase the share of wealth that goes to workers, we want, on the contrary , remove the salary blocking law to obtain gross salary increases and we want to maintain and extend salary indexation.”



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