Hautes-Alpes. Rousset became Rousset Serre-ponçon

Hautes-Alpes. Rousset became Rousset Serre-ponçon
Hautes-Alpes. Rousset became Rousset Serre-ponçon

Since January 1, 2025, Rousset has become Rousset Serre-Ponçon by a decree signed on August 8, 2024. This Monday, January 6, despite the rain that had arrived, Johan and Joris, two municipal agents, set about the task to change the 10 panels which formalized the long-awaited name of this Haut-Alpine commune of 182 souls under the gaze of Catherine Saumont, the mayor. This name change had been requested for many years because the town was very often confused with Rousset in Bouches-du-Rhône and this regularly caused inconvenience on both sides. “It’s official, we are delighted and very happy to have obtained this validation and to have reached this conclusion, to formalize the name of Rousset Serre-Ponçon in our commune because it is very important,” explains Catherine Saumont. . This seems anecdotal, but in fact for many people, professionals or individuals, all are impacted and they are very happy to be identified as belonging entirely to the territory of Serre-Ponçon, especially since we are under the lake. We made a first request in 2010.”

A name hailed by locals

But the problems were already appearing in the deliberations of the municipal councils of the 1970s. “Fifty years later, to finally arrive at this, it is a relief and it gives us one less worry. » A new name which brings unanimous support and joy to residents such as Johan, the 28-year-old municipal agent: “It is very good to have put in place this new name to make the difference with Rousset which is located in 13 and Serre-Ponçon which well represents our pretty country, with the lake which makes us charming. I am very happy to see these new signs about this village which is close to my heart and where I was born. » For Maurice, the 83-year-old retiree: “I find that for the change of name, there is legitimacy that Rousset is called Rousset Serre-Ponçon because the ''Serre-Ponçon'' is in Rousset. » As for Eric, 57 years old, the town's carpenter, he specifies: “On the letterheads of my company I have always marked Serre-Ponçon because we have the most beautiful dam in in our town and I I never understood why our village wasn't marked Serre-Ponçon because when we said everywhere in France that we came from Rousset, people couldn't place us. This is a very good thing and I think it will bring a lot to our town. »




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