By LeSiteinfo with MAP
Here is the weather forecast established by the General Directorate of Meteorology for Saturday January 4, 2025.
– Quite cold to locally cold weather in the interior of the country, particularly on the Atlas and its eastern slopes, the Rif and the Oriental.
– Frost or black ice, in the morning and at night, on the hills and their surrounding areas.
– Sky veiled in high clouds over the northern half of the country.
– Local haze, in the morning and at night, near the North and Central Atlantic coasts.
– Dust removal in the southern provinces.
– Moderate easterly wind over the Saharan regions and the South of the Anti-Atlas and weak variability elsewhere.
– Minimum temperatures of around -05/01°C in the Atlas, the eastern highlands and the South-Eastern slopes, 01/07°C in the rest of the Oriental and South-East, the Rif and in the northern and central interior regions and 06/13°C in the rest of the territory.
– Maximum temperatures slightly increasing or slightly variable.
– Beautiful to slightly rough sea on the Mediterranean and on the Strait, slightly rough to rough between Tangier and Cape Ghir and not very rough to the South.