7 babies were born in , and Saverne for this new year

7 babies were born in , and Saverne for this new year
7 babies were born in Sarreguemines, Forbach and Saverne for this new year

The stork delivered beautiful gifts to parents happy to welcome a new member into their family. 2 babies were born in , 3 in and 2 in Saverne.

Sarreguemines welcomes Lilya and Tara

It only took 33 minutes in 2025 to see little Lilya appear at the Sarreguemines maternity ward. The little girl weighs 3,670 kg and is the joy of mother Fatima, who comes from Sarre-Union. Another baby is expected at the maternity ward on January 1st.

The last baby of the year 2024 came into the world at 3:15 p.m., it is also a girl named Tara, weighing 3,120 kg. Her mother comes from Kerbach and her name is Pauline.

Forbach welcomes Lily and Younès

If a baby was taken care of during the night by the maternity ward, he was not born in the hospital. He arrived “by surprise” at the house of his parents living on the other side of the border.

On the other hand, Lily and Younès were born at Marie-Madeleine hospital on December 31. Weighing 3.4 kg and 3.7 kg respectively, it is mothers Laeticia de Stiring-Wendel and Angélique de Forbach who are overwhelmed with happiness.

No other births during the day are planned at this time.

Anna was born in Saverne

Anna has the privilege of being the last newborn of the year 2024 at Sainte-Catherine hospital. She was able to meet her mother Aurore for the first time. On the scale, the baby weighs 3,445 kg. Earlier today, another birth brightened up a family.

The Sarrebourg hospital, twinned with Saverne, did not welcome any babies between December 31 and January 1.



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