Like previous years, 2024 was marked by the launch of a series of initiatives and the continuation of others, aimed at promoting the cultural scene and consolidating the influence of the Kingdom on the regional and international levels, under the far-sighted leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
Thus, the year which is ending saw the organization of new editions of important cultural events, such as the Rabat International Publishing and Book Fair and the Marrakech International Film Festival, which make the Kingdom a destination of choice for the community of intellectuals, artists and art and culture enthusiasts.
It was also punctuated by other events which testify to the concern with which HM the King has never ceased to surround the cultural sector.
Among these initiatives are notably the inauguration, on the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, of the Royal Theater of Rabat, by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, accompanied by Madame Brigitte Macron. A structuring project which strengthens the ecosystem of the City of Lights, the cultural capital of Morocco.
The result of an enlightened vision, this iconic building is intended to be a realization of the constantly renewed High Royal Solicitude towards art and culture. This new theatrical structure is marked by its location, its aesthetics and its innovative technicality which represent a major turning point in the cultural landscape of the Kingdom.
Launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI and part of the development program for the city of Rabat, this major project contributes to the strengthening of cultural infrastructures in the different regions of the Kingdom and promotes the cultural influence of Morocco in the world.
This cultural influence was also confirmed by the announcement, last October, by the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, of the designation of Rabat as World Book Capital for the year 2026, as well as the choice of Marrakech. to host the 19th World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities in 2026, two decisions which reinforce the role of these two cities in the global cultural landscape.
The year 2024 was also marked by the celebration of the Qatar-Morocco Cultural Year, highlighting the riches of Moroccan art and culture. This is a unique event and an exceptional opportunity to introduce Qatar and the entire world to the richness of Moroccan cultural heritage in all its diversity, splendor and particularities, which make the Kingdom a unique, centuries-old country.
Added to this is the celebration of Marrakech as the capital of culture in the Islamic world for 2024, under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. The ocher city thus hosted a series of cultural, intellectual and artistic events and activities highlighting Islamic civilization and the richness of a city which is distinguished by a particular charm and continuous urban development, thanks to the Royal project. Marrakech, city of permanent renewal”.
At the same time, the year 2024 saw the continuation of the action of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco within the framework of its new configuration, under the leadership of HM the King who was kind enough to give it new life and a vigorous impulse.
The Academy of the Kingdom has thus equipped itself with a new vision and structures, by integrating new members, with the added bonus of projects and programs largely linked to our national identity and open to renowned international cultural experiences. in line with new themes.
Likewise, the year 2024 was marked by the official celebration of the Amazigh New Year, in accordance with the decision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to establish this national holiday, as part of the constitutional consecration of the Amazigh.
This year also saw the consolidation of the legal arsenal relating to cultural issues, with the adoption of several laws in various areas, notably the law relating to the protection of heritage aimed at strengthening the provisions relating to the conservation and preservation of monuments and historical sites and objects of art and antiquities, and the creation of a national register for the census of heritage.
These also include laws relating to the film industry and the reorganization of the Moroccan Cinematographic Center (CCM) aimed at promoting Moroccan cinema in its different dimensions.
These various initiatives and projects, which constitute a new link in a long chain, testifying to the efforts made by the Kingdom in the cultural field since the accession of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to the Throne of His glorious ancestors and embody a Royal vision integrated, placing culture at the heart of the Kingdom’s development project.
The editorial team/Le7tv