Collision in the rain: mother and baby hospitalized after collision

Collision in the rain: mother and baby hospitalized after collision
Collision in the rain: mother and baby hospitalized after collision

the essential
A collision between two vehicles took place Thursday December 19, 2024 on avenue Jean-Moulin in (Tarn-et-Garonne). A driver was slightly injured while her baby, also on board, escaped unhurt.

On avenue Jean-Moulin, in Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne), a collision between two cars disrupted traffic this Thursday, December 19, 2024.

Around 12:20 p.m., under heavy rain making the road slippery, an accident occurred. According to information gathered, the incident involved a Peugeot 2 008 and a Renault Twingo, which were traveling in the same direction.

The driver of the Peugeot braked to avoid a vehicle turning in front of her. Surprised by the sudden braking, the driver of the Twingo did not manage to slow down in time, hitting the rear bumper of the Peugeot at low speed.

The driver of the Peugeot, visibly shaken, mentioned back pain. Her baby, installed in a car seat in the front, was unharmed, but both were taken to the hospital for precautionary examinations.

The two occupants of the Twingo were not injured. They were left there by emergency services.

The police on site carried out the usual observations and screening while securing the collision area.



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