4.9 million euros in subsidies for Albigensian associations

4.9 million euros in subsidies for Albigensian associations
4.9 million euros in subsidies for Albigensian associations

the essential
Albigensian elected officials voted this week for operating subsidies to the city’s associations. More than 200 structures are financially supported with a financial envelope equivalent to that of 2024.

On the occasion of the last council meeting of the year 2024, this Monday, December 16, elected officials voted on the 2025 municipal budget and validated the subsidies to associations. Their amount remains stable compared to 2024, with an overall envelope of 4.9 million euros. The municipal majority thus maintains its support, even if it does not take into account inflation, as the opposition regretted.

An envelope of 4 million euros has also been validated for partner organizations such as the municipal social action center or the Lautrec museum. The entire council approved this financial aid, with a few exceptions.

Among the structures which benefit from the largest subsidies and are subject to an agreement, we find in the field of culture the Arpèges et Trémolos association, in particular organizer of the Pause Guitare festival, which “ensures the influence and promotion of the territory” . It will benefit from an operating subsidy of 338,000 euros and aid of 30,000 euros to arrange its return to the cathedral site in 2025. Stéphanie Guiraud-Chaumeil indicated that the association would also benefit from the contribution of a new partner with future support from the Albigensian metropolitan area.

The other important structure in the cultural field is the Scène Nationale d’ (SNA), which receives a global subsidy of 887,000 euros. For its part, the Toulouse Lautrec museum receives a sum of 650,000 euros. As part of its cultural policy, the city of Albi also provides financial support to the GMEA (Albi Tarn electroacoustic music group) with 30,000 euros. For the diffusion of current music, the municipality also helps the Pollux association, which launched its project for a new room at the Cimenterie. Pollux will receive, for 2025, the sum of 100,000 euros. Only the opposition municipal councilor RN, Frédéric Cabrolier, voted against, the Medina concert proposed by the association still not being digested.

Sports subsidies

In the sporting field, the SCA, the municipality’s flagship club, is the beneficiary of the largest subsidy. Its professional sports limited company (SASP) signed an agreement for the 2024-2025 season for an amount of 400,000 euros, or 11.4% of its budget. The municipal opposition raised some questions about this support in relation to the stated objectives of returning to Pro D2 for the rugby union club.

Among the operating subsidies to sports clubs, we note 40,000 euros for Albi Basket 81, 140,000 euros (including 80,000 euros paid for the 2024 financial year) for rugby union, 126,000 euros (including 50,000 euros paid for financial year 2024) for Albi Marssac Tarn ASPTT, 28 000 euros for aquatic sports, 51,000 euros for the Sporting Club Albigeois Club Albigeois… The OMEPS (Municipal Office of Physical and Sports Education) sees itself provide a grant of 349,000 euros.

Finally, more than 200 associations benefit from aid of between 100 and 16,000 euros.



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