What is this major construction site between the port and the city center of Saint-Nazaire?

What is this major construction site between the port and the city center of Saint-Nazaire?
What is this major construction site between the port and the city center of Saint-Nazaire?


Coralie Durand

Published on

Dec 19 2024 at 3:35 p.m.

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It is not just the network that will be renewed on the public transport side of the Saint-Nazaire agglomeration (-Atlantique). Two additional Hélyce lines, buses switching to electric… and a seat that must follow. The technical and operations center (Cedex) must therefore be completely reviewed, extended and re-equipped. Everything will take place in the same place as the current one between rue Henri Gautier and boulevard de l’Europe… but everything will take up much more space. The works have already started.

A new headquarters, an enlarged workshop

There will first be a brand new operations building to accommodate Stran services – i.e. 255 employees.

The extension and adaptation of Cedex represents 20 million of the 155 million euros of the total project

The extension and adaptation of Cedex represent 20 million of the 155 million euros of the total project ©CareneOn the other side of rue Henri Gautier, the current workshop will be greatly enlarged, with two extensions of 2,000 m 2

on either side of the existing. It will indeed be necessary to maintain more vehicles, but also to make the two technologies, thermal diesel and electric, coexist for an entire transition period.

While awaiting delivery in early 2027, the current workshop will continue to operate for thermal buses and maintenance of the new electric buses will be carried out directly by the manufacturer.
La Carene

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A parking site to the northThere remains another part, to the North, between Boulevard de l’Europe and Rue de la Ville-Halluard. This is where the new buses will park and be recharged and cleaned. This is also where we will find the photovoltaic power plant designed by Énergies de Loire with 4,500 m 2

of panels.

The electricity produced will power the parking site as well as the numerous facilities present within a one kilometer radius such as the Petit Maroc terminus.

Power plant which should be delivered next July.

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