This show to see in La Seyne revisits popular balls

This show to see in La Seyne revisits popular balls
This show to see in La Seyne revisits popular balls

A good dose of music, a bit of dancing, all sprinkled with acrobatics. The Le Doux Supplice company arrives at the Chapiteaux de la Mer, in La Seyne – at the invitation of the Pôle – Arts en circulation – Friday December 20 and Saturday December 21, with the show “En attendant le grand soir”.

“It’s a mix of genres, with transdisciplinarity”promises Pierre-Jean Bréaud, author and director of the company. For this creation, the choice was made to look in more depth at popular balls and dance.

Thin line between dance and acrobatics

The idea is not to be backward-looking, but simply to draw up the following observation: we dance less and above all there are fewer places for it. It is now the business of specialists while at its core it is the very essence of popular culture. he continues.

The director was also interested in everything that involves dancing and when the acrobatics begin. “The dance starts from a first step to which is added imbalance. And if we accentuate this, we come across acrobatics.”

This thin frontier has always been in the company’s DNA. “We have an acrobatic identity around vertigo, imbalance and “acrobatic-choreographic”. We have always had this desire to seek out the quality of movement, I draw a lot of inspiration from martial arts. We have something simple and popular, in the good sense of the word. And at the same time, it is very documented with real reflection around our place as artists, men and women in society”summarizes Pierre-Jean Bréaud.

The audience at the heart of the show

At 46, he claims to have reached “a form of maturity, of confidence”. After going “loin” in technique, Le Doux Supplice displays a desire to return to the very essence of the discipline, particularly on the lifts. With the leitmotif “relationships”. “Between the artists, but also with the entire environment of the show”. And especially to the public.

Arranged all around the stage, the aim is to integrate the spectators into the performance. “We didn’t want to be participatory as can be the case elsewhere. The audience gets into the dance as the show progresses, we finally get them to do what we have decided. The track then turns into a dancefloor “.

And to liven up the stage and punctuate the evening, the troupe relies on its “DJ sensible”. “He’s a wonderful clown, he does beatboxing and sound illustration. His clownish language allows him, with a simple microphone, to create imagination and call upon the marvelous. He takes us elsewhere with nothing. “

> “Waiting for the big evening”, Friday December 20 and Saturday December 21 at 9 p.m. at the Chapiteaux de la Mer in La Seyne. Price: from 11 to 28 euros.



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