Case of meningitis at Jean-Baptiste Massillon primary school ()

Case of meningitis at Jean-Baptiste Massillon primary school ()
Case of meningitis at Jean-Baptiste Massillon primary school (Le Havre)

A case of invasive meningococcal infection (IIM) was reported to ARS on December 17, 2024 by the University Hospital concerning a 7-year-old child attending Jean-Baptiste Massillon primary school, in . Despite all the efforts of the rescue teams who took care of the child, she unfortunately died at the Rouen University Hospital.

As soon as the diagnosis was made and the report received (mandatory), in order to act quickly and prevent any new risk of contagion, ARS Normandy, in collaboration with National Education, immediately drew up a list of contact subjects. Antibiotic prophylaxis (taking antibiotics for non-sick people for prevention) has already been recommended to 15 students, 2 teachers and 49 people from family and friends.

Meningitis is a bacterial disease that results in high fever, headache, nausea and vomiting as well as a stiff neck. Transmission is airborne during coughing (transmitted by secretions during coughing). When a case of invasive meningococcal infection occurs, it is estimated that there is a risk of transmission for people who have been directly and prolonged exposed to the nasopharyngeal secretions of the sick person within ten days. preceding the occurrence of IIM. Contagiousness is low and concerns close contacts, in the community and in the family.

As soon as the suspected case of IIM was reported to the ARS, the ARS monitoring and health security center identified the contacts of the case and offered antibiotic prophylaxis for contact persons at risk. The latter is offered as quickly as possible (maximum 10 days after the last contact with the case), in conjunction with the attending physician or the doctor on call and aims to eradicate the carriage of the virulent strain and prevent its spread. dissemination to the general population while reducing the risk of secondary cases. It is offered to all at-risk contacts, regardless of their vaccination status.

ARS Normandy continues to monitor this situation with the greatest attention in conjunction with National Education in order to quickly take measures adapted to the context and regularly inform parents.

A medical-psychological emergency unit is also mobilized to best support students, staff and families.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your doctor or local health professional.

For more information: Invasive meningococcal infections | Normandy regional health agency



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