Amélie Thomas
Published on
Dec 18 2024 at 4:42 p.m.
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Mayotte has been licking its wounds since the passage of Cyclone Chido on Saturday December 14, 2024. The archipelago is devastated. ” There situation is catastrophic”sighs Mouhtar, member of the Mahorais sports and cultural association in Brest.
Members met on Tuesday, December 17 to organize the mobilization. “We have to act quickly. » A first truck, loaded with food, is due to leave the town of Ponant on January 14.
Collection points
“They lack everything,” summarizes Mouhtar. Priority water and foodnon-perishable. The needs also relate to the hygiene products and clothing.
The first collection points have been set up: Bouguen church, Jean-Rostand primary school, ASPTT Raymond-Chapel stadium (Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.), within the Patsidza company in Guilers. Other places will follow.
“Every donation, even small, can make a big difference,” says the association. Which at the same time multiplies the contacts to ensure the delivery of the collected products.
Financial donations
If the Mahorais sports and cultural association is calling for material donations, other national structures, involved in emergency relief, are calling for financial donations. Among them, the Fondation de France, Secours populaire français and the French Red Cross.
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