Savenay. The municipality strengthens its support for traders

Savenay. The municipality strengthens its support for traders
Savenay. The municipality strengthens its support for traders

The municipal council of December 12 planned the adoption of significant improvements in the operation of the amicable compensation commission, created to respond to the economic damage suffered by businesses. During this last Municipal Council meeting, the municipality proposed to review the threshold for triggering compensation, previously set at a loss of turnover of 15%. It will be lowered to 10%. Furthermore, the municipality is increasing the coefficients for covering economic losses. On the restricted perimeter, the rate increases from 60% to 80%, and on the extended perimeter, it increases from 30% to 50%. Finally, the minimum deadline for submitting files has been adjusted to 3 weeks before the commission is held.

These works are transforming Savenay to make it an attractive, modern and lively town center. We know that this transformation comes with challenges for our merchants underlines François Moreau, assistant for commerce and works.

The City is deploying a range of actions to support merchants: individualized monitoring, reinforced communication around businesses during the work, creation of a blue zone to facilitate customer access and finally regular meetings with the merchants’ association to anticipate their needs and adjust the devices accordingly



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